Frequently Asked Questions

How do I access my member benefits?

If you join or renew with the Wellness Alliance, you will receive emailed instructions on how to login and access benefits. Reach out to if you need additional help.

How much are my dues?

Each existing member will be sent their renewal information as their expiration date nears. Memberships will be based on a calendar year basis, January through December. Depending on renewal dates, dues will be prorated to get memberships to a calendar-year timeline.

Individual Membership: Provides full membership benefits to one person.

Organizational Membership: Grants full membership benefits to a group of two or more people at the same organization. Rates are per person.

Number of People on the MembershipRate Per Person
(Membership expires 12/31/25)
200+Contact us

What do I get with my Wellness Alliance membership?

All the member benefits of both NWI and WELCOA. Receive the power of the Well Workplace Checklist™, tools to help your career, and vetted wellness info from evidence informed sources. The Wellness Alliance provides one trusted source for all education, information and tools that positively impact the well-being of all people. Membership benefits include:

  • A suite of monthly live and on-demand webinars
  • Discounts on courses and events to build your wellness promotion competencies
  • Legal help desk services
  • A members-only platform to ask questions, share ideas, and build connections
  • A discount on the Certified Wellness Practitioner (CWP) exam
  • Health Observances Calendar and monthly toolkits to help plan wellness initiatives
  • Tools to support healthy, high performing workplace by following the three steps of WELCOA's Well Workplace Process

What if I’m a member of both organizations right now?

As of February 25, all members of NWI and WELCOA are now members of the Wellness Alliance. Memberships in NWI and WELCOA are no longer available.

I’m a primary contact. What does that mean?

Thanks for serving as the primary contact for your organizational membership. This means:

  1. You can manage the benefit recipients at your organization and are responsible for payment. Not sure who’s part of your organizational membership? Call 866-462-9202 to find out.
  2. The organization’s membership invoice will come to your email address. Membership expires December 31, 2025.
  3. If you don't want to be primary contact, reach out to us at

How does being a CWP impact my Wellness Alliance membership?

Membership is not required to keep your status as a CWP; however, you are encouraged to maintain access to our expanded member benefits, including access to free continuing education (CE) opportunities, by renewing as a Wellness Alliance member.

Given the Wellness Alliance is a strategic partner with the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans, are there joint membership opportunities between the two?

At this time, the memberships of the International Foundation and the Wellness Alliance are separate.

Can I just stay with WELCOA or NWI, must I join the Alliance?

NWI and WELCOA are joining to form the Wellness Alliance. Membership in WELCOA or NWI is no longer available.

Can I get a refund for membership dues?

Membership dues are non-refundable.

Who do I contact for questions?

Email or call 866-462-9202.

Who qualifies for an organizational membership?

To qualify for a group rate, individuals must be from the same organization, paying on the same invoice. Those seeking Agency memberships should contact

I'm a member and not receiving emails from the Wellness Alliance. What can I do?

If you are having trouble receiving our emails you may need to add us to your allow list. Allow listing must take place at two levels: At the server level and at the recipient's desktop level . The server level information should be sent to the e-mail administrator. The desktop level instructions explain the allow listing process for the recipient for most major email clients, such as Yahoo and MSN.

Server Level Allow Listing

  • Email Service Provider: Higher Logic (
  • The sending servers is: o
  • The return path is:

If you have any questions about allow listing or email practices, please contact

What’s happening to the WELCOA jobs listing?

The free WELCOA jobs listing is going away to make space for the enhanced career center. Members will get a discount on job postings and can post resumes, in addition to getting other services like resume building tips. Job postings start at $150 per posting for a member, $250 for a non-member, and they can pay extra ($100) to be a featured member.

What happened to the WELCOA Faculty status?

The WELCOA Faculty status has sunset. With the newly formed Wellness Alliance, enhanced educational opportunities are available so that wellness professionals have options to demonstrate competencies and improve skills as they work toward healthier outcomes with individuals, communities and workplace settings. Those who have earned Faculty status will maintain it through their two-year Faculty window. To explore some of the options available through the wellness alliance, visit

Is there a student membership rate?

Yes! In order to receive a student membership rate, you must provide proof of full-time student status (at least 9 current credits at the undergraduate level, or at least 8 current credits at the graduate or doctoral level). Acceptable documentation includes a copy of any ONE of the following dated items:

  • Letter from your registrar's office acknowledging your full-time status
  • Current course schedule verifying your credit load
  • Receipt of tuition if it includes the current schedule with course load.

Please be sure your document includes:

  • Your name
  • Current semester dates
  • The number of credits you are taking in the current semester.

Student membership registrations are reviewed within 3 business days of receiving payment. If proof of full-time status is missing or determined to be inadequate, access to your membership account will be suspended until acceptable proof is received. In such instances, we will notify you via email.

Still not finding what you're looking for? Contact us at
or (866) 462-9202.