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Welcome to the WELCOA Institute of Wellness Studies

The world of health promotion is changing rapidly. Do you have the skills needed to be a successful leader in your organization and industry? The WELCOA Institute curriculum was designed by leading experts in the field to teach you the competencies necessary to build world class results-oriented wellness programs. Graduates will be able to implement cutting edge strategies for setting themselves and their programs apart.

Building a Results-Oriented Workplace Wellness Program

WELCOA’s Seven Benchmarks

Breaking the Silence Around Mental Health at Work

Hear Me Roar

Leveraging Emotional Intelligence to Develop Your Leadership Skills & Better Manage Stress

Staying On Top of Your Game

Healthy Team, Healthy Business

Mindful Healthcare

Focusing on Self-Awareness & Meaningful, Lasting Change

Navigating the Complex Waters of Human Behavior Change

Moving from Weight to Wellbeing

Mindful Eating

A New Era in Precision and Personalized Health Promotion

The Power of Nutrigenomics

Insight to Up-Level Your Leadership Mindset

Leadership as a Hero’s Journey

Tapping Into Your Influential Leadership

Becoming a Change Maker

Tips From Fellow Travelers in the Human Journey About Stress Disorders, Burnout and Suicide

Creating a Stigma Free Mental Health Culture

Five Pillars to Elevate Wellbeing and Engagement at Work

The Science of Happiness

Implementing a Wellness Strategy for Your Small Organization

Small Business Wellness: Creating Big Results in Small Organizations

Creating a More Diverse and Inclusive World

Workplace Diversity

Strategies for Adapting to Adversity in the Real World

Everyday Resilience

The Value in Increasing the Physical Activity of Your Employee Population

Motivating Movement @ Work

How Seeing Your Best Self Through the Eyes of Others Fosters Wellbeing at Work

Who Are You at Your Best?

A Change from A Biometric-Based to People-Focused Approach

Our Wellness Program

Overcoming Roadblocks and Instilling Ideas to Strengthen Wellness

Workplace Wellness That Works: Putting Big Ideas into Practice

Optimizing Opportunity for Behavior Change and Positively Impact Culture

Creating Movements of Change

Developing Core Inner Skills to Build Resilience

How to Prevent Burnout and Build a Resilient Culture

Communicating Your Wellness Strategy with Purpose and Power

Practitioner Perspective

Tactical Ideas for Adapting Your Wellness Strategy

The Future of Wellness in the Workplace

Action Steps to Implement Wellbeing Programs for Your Small Business Market

Small Business Wellbeing

Measuring and Building Deeper Engagement and Success with Workplace Wellness Programs

Three Proven Insights

How to Recognize and Resolve Loneliness in the Workplace

Loneliness is Killing Us

Understanding Grief in the Workplace

Grief 101

Rethinking Our Roles In Respecting Body Diversity

Developing a Weight-Inclusive Wellness Approach

Strategic Growth & Development for Your Wellness Program

Designing Work for Well-Being

Creating an Environment of Belonging for Workplace Wellness

Building Belonging in a Time of Separation

Innovation and Problem-Solving for Wellness Programs

Design Thinking for Well-Being

Moving from Stress to Success

Banish Burnout

Making the Mental Health Toolkit Part of Your Wellness Plan

Nourish Mental Health

The Importance of Physical and Psychological Safety

The Well-Being Baseline: Safety

Conscious Breathing for Better Sleep

Breath As Medicine in Sleep Health

Creating Psychological Safety in Your Organization

Inspired Leadership

Evolving the Wellness Industry to Elevate Leadership and Work Value

Wellness Gets A Glow Up

Addressing the Impacts of Gender-Based Violence and Harassment on the Workplace

Promoting Employee Wellness and Safety

Comprehensive Wellbeing Programs Through Leadership Advocacy

CEO Support for Employee Wellbeing

A Comparative Review of WELCOA's 2012/2022 National Wellness Compensation Survey

WELCOA National Wellness Compensation Survey